Issue 2 Artist Spotlight | Rachel Le Roux
C+B: Tell us about yourself, Rachel!
RLR: I’d like to believe I’m an artist through and through but I’m an interior architect by trade who is slowly veering towards the path of being a full time artist. I’m a mama to a thirteen and nine year old and am a fur mama too! The ocean is my favourite and the solution to all my problems 😅. I’m a closet singer and performer and all in all the biggest extroverted introvert too.
The one thing people don’t know about me is that if I didn’t choose to be an artist or in the interior world, I would be in theatre - either on stage or building the set.
C+B: Describe your work in three words.
RLR: Feminine, fluid, free
C+B: Which creator(s) (present day or in the past) do you most admire and why? What draws you to their work?
RLR: Hmmm. Difficult question. I admire a lot of creators/artists at the moment who help me strive to be a better person and most especially, a better artist. Each creator that I follow builds up the passion within me so it is truly is hard to pinpoint the exact person who fuels the fire in my inspiration.
C+B: What are your long-term goals for creating?
RLR: To find the freedom to embrace the creativity that my heart and soul needs. To be one hundred percent fulfilled with my art that is constantly evolving. And then, to be able to inspire others with passion.
Find and support Rachel here:
IG: @rlerouxart
(I Got You, Darling. You Can Now Be Free, pencil and oil on canvas, 48”x42”
©Rachel Le Roux)
Ideal collaboration: Would love to collaborate with an artist who can push me through to another level past my comfort zone.
Ideal creative retreat: Somewhere by the ocean 🌊
Currently inspired by: Shane Levenson @slevenson, Crystal Latimer @crystallatimer, Cj Hendry @cjhendry, and gosh - so many more!!
Rachel Le Roux