Issue 1 Artist Spotlight | Heather Martindale

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C+B: Tell us about yourself, Heather!

HM: I am a full time artist/creative, a wife and a mother of two girls 3 and 6. They pretty much keep me busy but I also enjoy cooking and baking, as well as gardening in the summer time.

C+B: What is one quote that inspires you or informs your work?

HM: "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for." by Georgia O'Keeffe.

I have always loved the simple yet elegant work of O'Keeffe. That quote resonates with me, as I believe my work speaks through emotions rather than telling a story through words.

Ideal creative retreat: A historic house in the hills of Europe. Not a lot of people around, great food and lots of fresh air coming through the windows.

Currently inspired by: Leeah Joo @leeahjoo, Shana Levenson @slevenson, and Heather Horton @heather_horton.

Release, 3’ x 4,’ oil (Original artwork ©Heather Martindale)

Release, 3’ x 4,’ oil (Original artwork ©Heather Martindale)

C+B: What other creative outlets do you enjoy or want to try?

HM: I love to bake and cook and do most home renovation projects. I also enjoy other art mediums like clay and printmaking.

Heather Martindale

Heather Martindale


Find and support Heather here:


IG: @hmartindale_art


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