Issue 8 Artist Spotlight | Renée Ferro
C+B: Tell us about yourself, Renée!
RF: I work full time as a brand designer. I spend almost all my free time at the pottery studio. One of my favorite things to do lately is go see an old movie without reading a synopsis/watching the trailer beforehand.
C+B: How do you define the word "art?"
RF: Anything that a human produces that is motivated by joy and curiosity.
C+B: Describe how you work through a creative block, or period where it's difficult for you to produce work.
RF: I shift my energy to practicing the mechanics of my craft. I will throw and throw and throw on the wheel with zero intention of getting an end result. When I do have inspiration it’s easier to produce because I’ve been practicing the technical part of ceramics.
C+B: Describe a time when you experienced a creative breakthrough, a change in process, or a realization about your work.
RF: I wanted to be in illustrator for the past seven years or so, but I found practicing that art daunting and exhausting. I didn’t make any work for close to a year. I decided to take a wheel throwing class on a whim and fell in love. I love practicing the art of ceramics and I had a realization of ohhhhh this is what it feels like to truly love to do something. I was just in love with the idea of becoming an illustrator, not the process. Loving the process is key.
Find and support Renée here:
IG: @renee__ferro
(Aftermath, ceramic, ©Renée Ferro)
My ideal creative workspace: Organized chaos with a view.
If I could have coffee with any creator (past or present) it would be: I don’t really have any idols, but I do have coffee chats with a lot of my artist friends in the studio. They’ve taught me everything I know. Shout out to the Bitter Root Pottery gang AKA the basement rats.
My creative legacy: Bringing some curiosity to an ancient and traditional art form. I want people to look at my work and think “how did they do that?”. Maybe that question will lead them trying ceramics themselves.