Issue 8 Artist Spotlight | Donald Medley
C+B: Tell us about yourself, Donald!
DM: I am a BFA Studio Art candidate at Converse University. I enjoy photography on my spare time, and I find myself to be inspired by music. Music allows my mind to be more imaginative. It allows me to experience visual narratives that feed into my art. Which is funny because I have a twin brother who produces music.
C+B: How do you define the word "art?"
DM: I define art as expression, creation or performance that can be for an audience or one's own viewing.
C+B: Describe how you work through a creative block, or period where it's difficult for you to produce work.
DM: Creative block for me is a form of perfectionism. Often times I fear making something that isn't good or amazing, and wait for "inspiration" to come to me. I work through this by intentionally making something bad. I release expectation for good and aim for carelessness or a lack.
C+B: Describe a time when you experienced a creative breakthrough, a change in process, or a realization about your work.
DM: My sophomore year, I created lots of portraiture work. Through this I neglecting my backgrounds and realized that I wasn't really fond of super realistic representation. I took a printmaking course the next semester. Here I was able to work with materials that I wasn't familiar with. This stretched my comfort zone and allowed my work to have much more exciting backgrounds as well as more abstract figural representation.
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IG: @byrachelsotak_
(Self Wanderer,15in x 22in, multimedia, ©Donald Medley)
My ideal creative workspace: My ideal creative space is a garage type space with a nice view or some kind of nice outside with a storage, table, and a desk.
If I could have coffee with any creator (past or present) it would be: I would sit down with Kehinde Wiley. He is a big inspiration for my creative work. I would want him to critique my artwork and give me his thoughts.
My creative legacy: I hope that people can be inspired by what I do. That the people behind me can understand that they can create and do great things. I also want people to be able to relate and feel heard through my work.