Issue 1 Writer Spotlight | S Stephanie
C+B: Tell us about yourself!
SS: I am an adjunct instructor of creative writing, composition and literature. I also work at a local hardware store. In my time off I read, write, walk, and think. My cats join me for most of these activities, and they give me lots of advice.
C+B: What is something exciting that you’re looking forward to?
SS: I love to go on "art dates". Take myself to museums, theaters, etc that inspire me. I have a trip to London planned for next year! The Globe and many other inspiring places will so inspire me!
C+B: What is one quote that inspires you or informs your work?
SS: "The world is everything that is the case." and all that follows that first line in the Tractatus by Wittgenstein. When I write, I feel I am writing with that book at my back. I love participating in his ideas of Sense and Nonsense. I have come to believe that creative writing is really "showing" what it is to be human, painting our experience of being human with language.
S Stephanie
Ideal creative retreat: I like silence. Anywhere that is silent is a retreat for me.
Currently inspired by: I love Patti Smith. I also think highly of Jericho Brown. One of my favorite poets is Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Brazil). I rarely do Instagram.
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